Wednesday, May 2, 2012

See what the next generation is saying:

a thought
we are but a small part of a much bigger world. the only way we are going to progress through these tough times is to realize that we are living in a dump of a “civilization” run by people that only want more and more and more, so therefore we are all fine? no we are not, i have seen my father go through very tough times with his work which he hates, he sees people that have had lies pumped into them all his life, they are under the illusion that they have a great job a great home and so on, when really all they have are things, things that cover up how bad the quality of life is as we know it. if things don't change soon, the whole country if not the whole planet could be a bunch of people under these illusions, sitting in cubicles staring at a computer screen slowly dying inside while saying “oh boy! cant wait for my two kids perfect life with my convertible my new mansion and all the stuff i could ever want” that is the illusion that you have created for yourself and yet you’re still not happy, not truly happy cause deep inside you must know that you cant truly buy happiness, you need to wake up from the illusion. if i am only 16 and have figured this all out then maybe you need to think about this note.

follow your heart, not your mind
--Justin Reid, Utah

I put this on my blog not as a recruitment tool for an organization; but as a challenge for you to take the 30 or so minutes to watch the videos on this link. Then I want you to think very hard about the things these youngsters and young adults are saying. Put all the political rhetoric of our time aside. Politics left, right, or middle are not helping us secure the world, our planet, for the use of our children and grandchildren. Politics is not helping mold our children and our childrens's children into people who love God (Creator) and love their neighbors. Our youth are recognizing that we live in a time of self centeredness and smoke and mirrors happiness. This is not the world that they hope for. My plea to you is that you help our young people to become the mechanism of change the pattern of decline in the morals and ethics of our nation and our world. Give our children the opportunity to blossom into the beauty that God has planned for them. (Acts 20:35 NIV) In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

As always I am a Christian first and I look back toward the primitive Church, the lives of the indigenous, aboriginal, American Indian traditions for examples of how God's will was once lived out.

I thank Sacred Fire Communities for their contribution to a global effort to make Earth a better place to live.


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