Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Poems and Prayers for Nurses

Poems and Prayers for Nurses

Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to hide the bodies of those Doctors I had to kill because they pushed me too far…

Being A Nurse Means…
 You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges,
So much to do and so little time.
You will carry immense responsibility And limited authority.
You will step into people’s lives
And you will make a difference
Some will bless you,
Some will curse you.
You will see people at their worst
And at their best.
You will never cease to be amazed
At people’s capacity for Love, courage, and endurance.
You will experience resounding triumphs
And devastating failures.
You will cry a lot,
You will laugh a lot,
You will know what it is to be human,
And to be humane.

Dedicated to the man I never Knew…
As I tend to you, in your death.
I feel I know you, by those you left.
You must have been, a wonderful man.
The strength and character, of your clan
I see love, deep in their eyes.
The pain they feel is no disguise.
The gentle way, they touch your hand.
As you are drifting, to the Promised Land.
Your children talked, of being raised.
Respect and devotion, lived at your place.
Grateful to God, they appeared to be.
Happy to be a part of your family.
Your wife’s heart is beating loud.
Tears well up, her eyes did cloud.
Unable to speak, she begins to cry.
Begging to God, to not let you die.
So you see, my friend, this life is past.
But the values you left, will always last.
Though I never knew you, I know you well.
Your life, your love, their eyes did tell.
 Regretfully… not all patients survive,
but the love they have given their family will last a lifetime.

During the celebration of Nurses week, sanctify, O Lord, those whom you have called to the study and practice of the arts of healing, and to the prevention of disease and pain, particularly our nurses. Strengthen them by your life-giving Spirit, that by their ministries the health of the community may be promoted and your creation glorified; through our Lord.  Amen. (Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer page 460)

One of my favorite times of year is during Nurses Week when Vitas Innovative Hospice comes to the hospital to do the blessing of the hands. I have the honor of going unit to unit with them on both shifts to perform the ceremony. I am not alone in looking forward to this day. Our nursing staff over the past seven years have come to love and appreciate this personal affirmation of love, respect, and valuing. While the program in all its phases is 100% voluntary, the response is overwhelming. Chaplain Dan Wolfe and Wendy Walsh from Vitas do a prayer, hand washing, and pinning with an angel pin, I am privileged to do an anointing of the hands and a personal prayer directed to the nurse's special needs. There is no way to properly explain the depth of this small token of God's love. I am truly blessed being a part of it. It is a touching and memorable experience for all of us.  ~ Fred


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