Friday, March 9, 2012

A homily attributed to Geronimo

"I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say."  Geronimo

I wonder just how many people we encounter each day that have some sort of feeling of being useless, helpless, hopeless, and lonely. Geronimo, in addition to being a brave and fearless leader was and elder whose life wisdom held strong medicine.

Why would God have created all that exists if it had no value? Why would God create an environment to support plants, fishes, and animals? The most telling question is why would he create mankind in His own image if we were meant to be useless? Creator of all things would not and has not made a single atom that did not have a place, a time, and a purpose. God is love and He created all things to be recipients of that love.

Yes there is just one God. The God who always has been, is now, and always will be. God is consistent in His love, like the sun always shining God is always there looking down on us all. The only time we can’t see and feel the presences of the sun is when there is something between us blocking the light and warmth. Likewise the only time we can’t know the presence of God in our life is when something is placed between us.

Geronimo says that we are all children of one God. It is the in the Indian belief system that we are all related, to include all things physical and spiritual. All things were created by God to exist in an ordered interdependence, a symbiotic relationship, within an endless theological/spiritual/metaphysical tension. The Bible reveals to us that Creator has known us all before we were and foresees the path that we will walk.

God is always with us, offering Himself to us and raining down His love on us. He loves us so much that He allows us to choose our way. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say. God gave us His Spirit to live in us and guide us if we accept Him. Even when one has pushed the Spirit out of him, all of nature watches for a weakening in our hardened heart and hopes that God will be invited back in.
How wonderful it is that we have this opportunity and these gifts from God. God forgives our sins and our meandering loyalty. Every person has the opportunity to live forever in the presence of our Living God and all the saints in heaven by coming to Him and obeying His commands. His commands are not complex. Jesus said that the greatest commands were to love God with all of our heart, our strength, and spirit and to love one another as our self. He went on to say that if one can keep these two commands all other commands and laws will automatically be satisfied.

I offer blessings to you on this wonderful day that God has made for us; may you experience His mercy, grace, peace, and love.

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