Sunday, May 5, 2013


~White Buffalo Calf Woman talked with the women of the village that they might remember their great importance and role in the life of the tribe, for it was the women who sustained the tribe...she also talked to the children, reminding them that they were the future of the tribe and must prepare themselves in a good and sacred way...

When I saw this picture I thought of my daughter Christine. She is the baby of the family… well the youngest of the children. Certainly she is not a baby anymore. She is all grown up, married with four children. She is a fourth grade teacher in a prestigious private school. She has for the past several years worked in early childhood education in the day care venue, project managed a couple on-line businesses, managed her own web sites, did consulting on Social Media, and is the chief cook, housekeeper, children’s driver while carrying a full load at the University of Central Florida.
The older girls Shakti and Julia are in middle school with lots of extracurricular activities to keep them and mom busy.  The younger girl and boy are five and three Amaya and Soham. These two never slow down; it wears me out just watching them. Amaya has a few activities that she is involved in that require attention. Soham (I call him ‘little chief’) on the other hand being the youngest and the only boy can spend his time doing everything he can to be the center of attention.
I do have to give Christine’s husband Shay a whole lot of credit in keeping the kids moving, helping with homework, watching one or all of the kids when mom is occupied, worn out, or doing something for herself. Shay works long hours as a computer programmer and project manager in an international world and in several time zones… yep that means working sometimes in the middle of his night. Oh, to be young again.
Now back to the original picture and American Indian Meditation. Christine has nurtured and continues to nurture her children age appropriately. I have seen the carry portrayed in the picture for many years… Christine holding her children close to her heart, making them feel loved, safe, and secure.
Now a new picture… the younger two:

 On Wednesday May first, yes May Day, Little Chief was playing in the playroom when he had a tumble with a heavy object on top of him. To be safe, Christine rushed him to the E.R. while Shay held down the fort. This is really where this picture not only reminded me of Christine but in fact was Christine holding her baby close to her heart, safe, and secure. The outcome was good, just bruised and scared. After a just in case C.T. scan, they returned home to keep him under observation the rest of the night.
This action and follow up was not exactly what Christine needed. The next morning she had to be at the University of Central Florida at 8:00 am in her cap and gown to walk in her graduation ceremony.

In spite of being sleepless and stressed she made it there and was beautiful to boot. Christine graduated with her degree in English Literature and Education with a 3.84 GPA. During a phone conversation yesterday she told me that she will now begin prepping for the GRE test.
Do you think a daddy could be prouder? Knowing the time and effort she has put into her family and now into her education, I call this a paramount event.
Christine we are so proud of you, love you so much, and are so happy for you.  I like you hair too… although you really look good with your natural dark hair, you look great with the almost blond look.

Congratulations Christine!!

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