Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Living Life in the Small Things that Count

It all begins with small numbers. A few more drops of precipitation, a little more wind, a slight rise in the sea level, a couple of degrees difference in the elevation of the moon. Great forces are born in small numbers, in the increments of existence, the mathematics of our physical being. And as with the natural, so with the spiritual; a tiny bit more kindness, a single hope, a small increase in giving, a few more prayers, another moment of patience. Great souls are not instant in being, but being made up of instants. Life without and within, lived in the small things that count.
Retired Bishop Steven Charleston Episcopal, Choctaw

A Defining Moment


Desmond Tutu, the former Archbishop of Cape Town and a leading anti-apartheid campaigner, was once asked to describe a turning point in his life. He replied with this inspirational story:
“The biggest defining moment in my life was when I saw Trevor Huddleston (the former president of the anti-apartheid movement), and I was maybe nine or so. I didn't know it was Trevor Huddleston  but I saw this tall, white priest in a black cassock doff his hat to my mother who was a black domestic worker. I didn't know then that it would affect me so much, but it blew your mind that a white man would doff his hat to a black domestic worker. And subsequently I discovered, of course, that this was quite consistent with his theology that every person is of significance, of infinite value, because they are created in the image of God. And the passion with which he opposed apartheid and any other injustice is something that I sought then to emulate.”

“The master answered, 'You did well. You are a good and loyal servant. Because you were loyal with small things, I will let you care for much greater things. Come and share my joy with me.” ~Matthew 25:21 (NCV)

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