Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rise up and walk today!

“Rise up and walk today, even if the path before you is one you dread. Rise up and feel renewed in your mind and body, even if you are confined to bed. Rise up and feel the cool wind of the Spirit lifting you over struggle and sorrow. Rise up and see your land of promise just beyond the river. Rise up and claim the justice that is yours by sacred right. Rise up and sing the praises of the One who set you free. Rise up and in your rising bring a thousand more to their feet. Rise up and shout joy into the Earth, hope and peace, love and love again. Rise up and walk today.”
~Steven Charleston

I woke up this morning thinking ‘what news will I get today’ about my ailing mother who is now on Hospice, about my niece who is in the hospital, or what might break down today. In the whole scheme of things I am truly blessed. Yet, the past month has been a series of bigger than usual bumps in the road. I am feeling a weight on my shoulders. Yes, I must rise up and walk today, even if the path before me is one I dread. My friend Bishop Steven Charleston writes a daily bit of wisdom.  He has even written a book that is full of these original sayings from his Native American background and his 40+ years in the Episcopal Church. But, I know that he released this one today for me, in order to give me a reminder of the strength that I have available to me from above. As selfish as it sounds, I want to claim this message… alas it really isn’t just for me. There are thousands, or even more, out there today who woke up the same way I did. The message you see is for all of us. It is a message that says we are not alone in our battle, God love us all.

So, I invite every one, especially those who have or have had this feeling of dread to rise up and feel renewed in you mind and body. We are in this together, you and me and all the others. What a visual image I get from hearing the words rise up and feel the cool wind of the Spirit lifting me over struggle and sorrow. It is so comforting to know that I can still have the legitimate feelings of sadness, compassion, concern for those that I love; and, still be lifted up by the Spirit and soar above them. I can look down on them and know there is a power mightier than mine who is at work on my dreads.

We all have a dream, a heart’s desire, a promised land. Today may be our day to rise up and see our land of promise just beyond that river. Walk with me, rise up and claim the justice that is ours, our sacred right, that gift given to us all. In doing so, give credit where credit is due. Rise up and sing praises of the One who set us free. We can begin the journey on a path of making our dreams come true. “For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”

The really neat thing about all this is that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whether at work, driving in your car, doing something with your children or grandchildren your freedom and joy is contagious. Steven Charleston says; rise up and in your rising bring a thousand more to their feet. That quickness in your step, smile on your face, that look as if you are soaring above your problems will catch the attention of those around you, even many that you don’t even know are watching.

Rise up and shout joy into the Earth, hope and peace, love and love again. Rise up and walk today.

I generally don’t use my own story when I share a quote. And, maybe today it is more of a homily than a story. It is something that did touch me deeply and I felt as though it needed to be shared. My prayer is that in my rising up and in your rising up thousands more will come to their feet. Blessings and joy to you!


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