Thursday, August 16, 2012

Self help with God's help!

“The elders used to say that God is very thrifty because God does not like to throw anything away. Instead, God prefers to mend things. At the age I am now I know this to be true. I have had a broken heart, broken dreams, broken trust, broken spirit and a broken body. But each and every time, God has mended me. With patience and persistence, with a careful hand and a keen eye, God has put me back together, knit the pieces with the bond of love, restored them through grace, that I might once again be useful and help in my own fashion the healing of others.” ~Retired Bishop, Steven Charleston, Choctaw

Truth Beckons is the title of a book by Randolph Kay as well as Mr. Kay’s website. The Four Agreements were written by Don Miguel Ruiz and is found in his book of that title. These books can be found in the Spirituality, Self-Help, Anger Management, and New Age sections of the library or book store. I have not read the books, therefore I am not certain of the context in which the ‘Agreements’ are presented.  I do however believe that these are, as printed here, very sound advice and following them would generally bring very positive results. As a chaplain I am here for you both spiritually and pastorally. So, as you use these agreements remember:

“…fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

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