Sunday, April 1, 2012


"People think other things are more important than prayer, but they are mistaken."
-- Thomas Yellowtail, Crow Nation
An Elder once said the most important thing you can do in the course of a day is to pray. If we get up late or oversleep, which is more important? Rush to work without praying or pray first and then go to work? The Elders say it's more important to pray. If we get angry, should we act on our anger or should we pray first? The Elders say it's more important to pray first. If, during the day, we face indecision, what should we do? PRAY. If, during the day, we become irritated or we experience fear, what should we do first? PRAY. The Warrior who prays first will lead a different life from those who pray last.

Great Spirit, teach me to pray first!
From Manataka American Indian Council's
Smoke Signal News
Please visit this site and enjoy the April Edition

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